10 ways to have a Happy (Healthy) Holiday


The weight loss class at my church usually takes place around Lent which runs into Spring. A great time for most as they are prepping for Summer weather. One year though, we ran a Fall/Winter session which began right before Halloween and through the New Year. That poor group had to endure not 1 BUT 4 holidays! Yet they were still able to be successful! Here’s how:

  1. Doing something active each day- Aim for 30 mins of anything from my previous post on Exercise . Again make it something enjoyable! Even shopping can be considered active so get out there walk that mall, try on those clothes, just make sure to pack a healthy snack vs a stop at the food court. Shoveling/sledding /skiing are other great forms of Winter exercises.
  2. Don’t skip breakfast- Try to begin each day with a healthy breakfast. Consider my delicious banana peanut butter shake. No better way to begin the day.
  3. Strive for 2-3 fruits/veggies a day- if you start the day with the shake you will take care of 1 fruit and 1 veggie 😉
  4. Decrease your stress- easier said than done but always try to realize that most of your “to do” list will get done and if it is something that really stresses you out maybe you should consider eliminating it if possible.
  5. Do NOT go to a party starving- you have heard this over and over but if you go starving you will most likely make poor choices and over eat. Eat a handful of almonds or a greek yogurt before you go just to curb the hunger pains.
  6. Try to limit your alcohol- at least the super sweet cocktails which includes Eggnog! Maybe select a glass of red wine, light beer, or alcohol mixed with water or club soda.
  7. Do just ONE thing different- Maybe you don’t go for seconds this year, maybe you forgo the dessert, maybe you skip the alcohol, maybe you use the salad plate vs dinner, or maybe you just select one of the recommendations on this list. Anything can be a positive change.
  8. Sit away from the food- I don’t think there is any better way to arm yourself from the endless temptations than to just get away from them. Get your plate of food and move away- you’ll be less likely to keep picking.
  9. Enjoy the meaning of the holidays- Spend time with good friends and family. Enjoy conversations with people you don’t get to see every day and don’t let food be the center/highlight of the party.
  10. If you have a bad day start again healthy and fresh the next- Please don’t just throw up your hands and give up on the entire week between Christmas and New Years. If you have a “bad” day, wake up and begin again fresh. Every morning is a new start. It doesn’t have to wait until New Years Day to begin your health new you!

No matter what the Holidays bring always be kind to yourself. Because you found this blog, it shows you want to make a change and because of that you will be more aware and you WILL make better choices this year!

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is not a food related one. Remember the true meaning of the holidays and find a way to make a difference- a donation, sending a card, spending time with someone who will be alone this year, visiting a neighbor, something/anything that will bring a smile to someone else.

I wish you the most wonderful Holidays and a HEALTHY and Blessed 2016!

Exercise: Don’t give up just yet!!


I always find it interesting the inadvertent looks that people will give me when I mention the word exercise. Some will cringe, some shrug, some ponder the words for a moment, some immediately shake their heads no. Mark this down so that you can come back to it a few months from now and say “wow she was right!”. Here it is- if you find the right exercise for YOU then you will LOVE it and look forward to it. For most people running is what they might think of when they thing exercise. If you were face to face with me and you uttered the words running then my face might make any of the ones I described above. Actually, I can say I’d be the one shaking my head no. Now, I will tell you that I do some form of exercise 6-7 days a week- but always something I enjoy or else why would I waste my time doing it? But before we go further, get any preconceived ideas about out of your head and be open to what you are about to read.
What is exercise?
– of course running
– walking (one of my favorites!)
– using the elliptical
– playing basketball, volleyball, soccer
-walking 18 holes of golf (my husband constantly reminds me that walking 18      holes is approximately 4-5 miles depending on the course)
-using weights
-cleaning your house
-gardening/mowing the lawn (sorry a riding lawn mower doesn’t count)
-dancing (who doesn’t love to dance)
-any of a wide variety of exercise classes
-playing with your kids
-basically anything that gets your heart pumping higher than it usually does for about 30 mins.
Now with that list and understanding that is not an all inclusive list, hopefully you can see that exercise is more than just running and that it can and should be fun! The key is to find a few you like and just start doing it. *Note here I have to include the infamous disclosure to speak to your physician prior to beginning any exercise program….. With that out of the way find something you think would be fun and give it a try. You can join a gym, exercise in your home, go to a park, anything/anywhere!! The point is that you are moving, you are doing something to get your heart pumping. I am so excited for you as you try out different things and find those ones that you love. Remember you’ll come back in a few months and be like “wow she was right” 🙂

P.S. Exercise can be funner and easier to stick to with a friend- so find a buddy!

just for today
Just for today challenge- talk to your doctor, make sure you’re cleared, and start doing something fun today!!

8 ways to stay motivated

8 ways to stay motivated

I think one of the hardest things about diabetes is that it is a chronic illness meaning that you will deal with it every day. It can be very easy to lose motivation and want to take a “break” from having diabetes. First, these thoughts are very normal and most people will have them from time to time. The key is finding ways to stay motivated.
Here are the top 10:
  1. Setting realistic goals for yourself. Do not strive to be prefect overnight. Set smaller attainable short term goals that you are likely to hit in the immediate future then in turn you will be able to hit your larger long term ones. Example- if you want to lose 50 pounds, start with trying for 5 in the next month and work your way to your ultimate goal.
  2. Find fun (non food) rewards. This is a biggie. So often when we want to celebrate something we turn to food. Why is that? I do not have the answer however I can offer some alternatives- buy a new outfit, new pair of shoes, get some new nail polish, get a massage/pedicure/manicure, go see a movie, buy a new golf club. The key is finding something you love that can reward your hard work aside from food.
  3. Find those key supporters. This is crucial to your success. You need people there to cheer you on when you succeed and to pick you up when you have a slip. These are the people behind the scenes from the doctors and educators and can offer support in between those office visits. Surround yourself with these people and do not hesitate to let them know when you need help or deserve some praise. Trust me if you picked the right people then they want to be there for you.
  4. Make it fun. Find ways to keep everything fresh and new vs stale and boring. Look up some new apps for tracking your blood sugar results or your exercise. I use the Nike Running app (even though I only walk) but at the end of my walk the app voices cheer for me and push me on to keep up exercising. It is definitely motivating.
  5. Enlist a great doctor. You will need someone you feel comfortable asking questions to and trust the answers. You will need someone that you feel that you can challenge if you do not feel that your diabetes is under control as to what their next steps are vs. “let’s wait 3 more months and see”.
  6. Find something that motivates YOU. Whether it is a saying, a picture, a person, an upcoming event, a life milestone. Sounds silly but find a reason to live!! Let that be your motivation when you don’t feel like testing or taking your medication or exercising. Find that thing that makes you want to be the best version of yourself!
  7.  Explore the alternative. Yes it sounds scary but read about the complications of diabetes. I am not into scare tactics however I do believe in informative choice. If you research dialysis, amputations, retinopathy, neuropathy and strokes- I think you will find that you want to do your best to avoid them which means continuing to take care of yourself and your diabetes.
  8. Remember the phrase “just for today”. Anything if looked at as forever will be tiring. That is why I use “just for today” because anything can be done if thought of as just for today. So do not look at your diabetes or weight loss goals as being forever. Take it one day at a time and I promise it will seem much less intimidating.

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is to take 5-10 minutes and think about what motivates you whether it is a person (spouse, grandchild), an upcoming occasion (vacation, wedding), a health metric (weight, A1C, blood pressure), or even better just doing it for yourself!

My secret key to nutrition success!


I always say to my patients and weight loss class participants that if I could write a book about managing weight and blood sugar levels it would revolve all around the idea of equal amount of Carb/Protein/Fat. In a previous post Nutrition 101: Protein, I explained why eating like this will be the key to stabilizing your blood sugars. The protein will slow down the absorption of the carb (sugar) into your blood stream thus preventing that post meal spike and drastic need to quick insulin response. This is the key to not only maintain stable blood sugar numbers but also prolonging the life of any of the remaining insulin producing (beta) cells that you have left (if you are Type 2).

I once met with a  patient who had Type 2 diabetes. She told me that she had met with a  nutritionist who told her a good breakfast is a banana with a 1/2 cup of old fashioned oatmeal. My patient took this advice and ate that meal 3-4 days a week. Now I can see why you might be thinking that sounds like a healthy choice (vs. a doughnut, pancakes, or nothing) however that meal is entirely carbohydrate, approximately 50 grams depending on size of the banana).  There is no protein or fat, nothing to slow down the immediate influx of sugar into your blood stream.  However, if we altered it slightly, say 1/2 a banana with 1/4 cup of oatmeal, 2 TBS of peanut butter (contains fat and protein) and a glass of skim milk (contains protein), then you have found a beautiful combination that will keep your blood sugar levels from a dramatic peak.

If you read Steps to easy, healthy meal planning then you already saw examples this combination for each meal.  If you haven’t read yet, I recommend you do it can be your guide as you begin the transition but don’t be afraid to branch out!

I will now share with you my all time favorite treat. I eat this really any time during the day as a meal or snack. It is just so delicious

  • 1/2 a ripe banana (here’s your healthy carb)
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese (here’s your protein and don’t worry the curds disappear)
  • 2 TBS peanut butter (here’s your fat)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • and if you are feeling a little crazy add a handful of spinach- it will turn the shake green but you will not be able to taste it

Blend it all together- I use my magic bullet. It tastes like a creamy peanut butter smoothie and it is actually healthy!

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is to try the smoothie as a meal or snack. You will not be disappointed! (at least I hope not!!)

Forget “cheated” and start fresh today!

It is time to begin again!

I hate when my patients use the word “cheated” like they are confessing to me that they did something awful when they ate a piece of pizza or cake. I just got back from vacation recently and I promise you that I did not eat perfectly! That is what has inspired this particular post. Does it have to be about food? No. It can be about anything in which you have slipped from where you would like to be:

  • Maybe you were doing a great job testing your blood sugars 4-5 times a day and all of a sudden you have slipped down to 2-3 or even less.
  • Maybe you were remembering to take all of your medications at the appropriate times but recently have forgotten here or there.
  • Maybe you were exercising every day just even for a few minutes but have become a little lax and let a week slip by.

If any of those pertain to you it is not too late. Today is the day to start again!! One of the truest things I heard one of my weight loss participants once say is that she would find herself eating badly at the start of the day and then it would spiral and keep going through the weekend. I am sure we have all felt that way at one time. That can be very discouraging and you can almost feel trapped in that downward spin but know that you are in control and that you don’t even have to wait until tomorrow to revert back to your healthier ways- you can start right now the very minute you finish reading this blog. Get up and go for your walk, test your blood sugar, take your medications, make the next food choice a healthy one. You have the power and it will feel good!! Remember how you feel when you are making the positive choices for your body, for your health. And remember how you feel when you don’t.

As we approach fall and the start of a new school year, remember how it felt when you were the one heading back. You would pick that special first day of school outfit and have the whole year to look forward to not knowing what amazing events would occur and what wonderful memories would be made. This can be your “new” time also much like how everyone resets at the New Year. Don’t wait until then. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer as we head into fall and choose to be the healthiest version of yourself!

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is just that- start fresh today!

Steps to easy, healthy meal planning

Steps to Easy, Healthy

Who likes planning meals? I definitely do not! Especially if you are trying to eat healthy. Often it can feel like you are eating the same things over and over because you are afraid to branch out to try anything new for fear that you will get off your healthy eating path. Do not be afraid! I am going to give you a simple guide to planning meals/snacks to help you get the right food groups and hopefully help take the stress out of planning meals. The goal will be meals that will maintain blood sugar levels vs spike them high above target.

Breakfast- if you do not eat breakfast- start today! This is the most important meal to get your body’s metabolism going.

  • eggs (with some veggies for an extra plus), toast, maybe some bacon or sausage
  • banana and peanut butter
  • protein infused cereal (Special K protein is one example)
  • smoothie (click here for a recipe I make most mornings)
  • greek yogurt with some berries and nuts
  • cottage cheese with some fruit and nuts
  • pancake/waffle with eggs
  • oatmeal with some nuts/spoon of PB

Lunch- this is a toughie simply because if you are on the road during the day like me you do not have access to a microwave- so soup or leftovers are out (unless you like it cold), or fridge- ice packs will work for a few hours. So if you have the option to pack/have whatever you like then the same idea as dinner listed below applies. If you have to select from a fast food here are some of the best I have researched- most of which I eat if I am in a pinch

  • Panera- Mediterranean chicken flatbread with apple as side (click here to access Panera’s nutrition info for additional menu items)
  • Wendys- chili with side salad (click here for Wendy’s nutrition info)
  • Subway- 6 inch turkey, chicken or ham with as many veggies as you want! Load them up!! If you add dressing and cheese or go with a fried chicken or sweet teriyaki option then you are looking at added calories/carbs. (click here for Subway’s nutrition info)
  • Chipotle- any of their bowls with light rice-you’ll save the carb with no wrap (click here for Chipotle’s nutrition info)
  • Otherwise I tend to pack: veggies, hummus, string cheese, almonds, a piece of fruit, chicken, or yogurt
  • *Note I am always looking for new lunch ideas for the road so if you have any please leave in the comments!!

Dinner- the magic formula for all meals is a healthy carb/lean protein/healthy fat. So pick 1 from each category mix it up and have fun!! Don’t forget to throw in veggies too!

  • healthy carb options: sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, squash, corn, whole wheat/grain bread, whole wheat pitas
  • lean protein: chicken, lean beef, turkey, fish, shrimp, beans, eggs (who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner?)
  • healthy fat: many of your protein sources are going to contain healthy fats but you could also add an olive oil based dressing (balsamic vinaigrette) or an avocado
  • some veggie options: salad, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, sautéed peppers and onions, or even try roasted cauliflower (break off pieces, sprinkle with olive oil, salt, and pepper, bake at 400 for 20 mins)

Snacks- these can make or break your day simply because if you are snacking it is usually because you are hungry at a non meal time and if you didn’t plan ahead you might end up making a bad/spontaneous choice at a vending machine. Always keep a healthy snack on you or in your desk.

  • Fruit and nuts
  • Lara bars (I eat a Blueberry muffin one almost every day)
  • Cheese stick (with or without fruit, nuts, or crackers)
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Quest bars (I mentioned these once before and will probably mention again. I LOVE these!!)
  • Popcorn with some spray butter and some parmesan cheese (for protein)
  • Unlimited veggies and hummus

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is to select one of the healthier snack options to enjoy as a snack today

Nutrition 101: Protein

Nutrition 101-5

Protein is essential part of our diet. It is used to build muscle and tissues. Protein is also as essential in blood sugar management. When protein is consumed at the same time as carb, it will help to slow the absorption of the carb so that the increase in the blood sugar will not be as dramatic. A perfect example: if you ate just a banana, the result would be a very quick rise in your blood sugar as a banana is pure carb. That immediate influx of sugar often reminds me of something like a nuclear plant from a cartoon where the red lights are going off and the sirens are blaring for emergency. When sugar flows into your blood stream that rapidly, I imagine the brain, similar to the cartoon nuclear plant, trying to relay to your pancreas: send out all available insulin. For those with Type 2, the body will release all remaining insulin making cells (remember those with Type 1 no longer have the cells to make their own insulin). If you have enough of these “red alerts” then eventually those insulin producing cells will die off out of exhaustion. Note: of course it is more medical than this however this is something I have come up with as an easy way to explain to my patients how eating carb alone can burn out their insulin producing cells faster.

Now let’s say you take that same banana and pair it with my all time favorite food- peanut butter (yum). Immediately, the body process is altered. The peanut butter which is a protein (and a fat) will help to slow down the carb rush into your blood stream. Therefore no red flashing lights and no sirens blaring. Just a nice subtle notification to your insulin producing cells to please release some insulin as there is some carb entering the system. Remember my goal here is to help you maintain good numbers thus achieving your A1C goal of under 7. One way big way you can do that is my learning how to eat properly. Making this one adjustment will help immensely- pair every carb you eat with a protein source. I must note here that the EXCEPTION to this is if you are experiencing a low blood sugar (less than 70)- this is when you ABSOLUTELY want that quick rush and only quick fast acting carb (juice, regular pop, glucose tablets, etc.).

With all that being said here is a list of some protein sources:

  • Meat (beef, chicken, turkey, pork, etc.)
  • Fish
  • Dairy (eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese)
  • Tofu
  • Beans/Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Protein additives (whey, soy, pea, milk- can be found in protein bars, powders, cereal)

My next blog will be all about helping you to meal plan with this idea in mind!

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is to do your best to try so that every carb you eat is paired with a protein source.

Understanding your A1C


Picture this- an inner tube floating down the river with 10 of your friends on it. All of a sudden someone else jumps in and throws one of your friends off, then another, and another. All of a sudden there are only 3 of your friends left out of 10- and that is no fun! This is very similar to the scene playing out in your body. The inner tubes are your red blood cells (see picture above) which float around your body carrying oxygen molecules (you and your friends). When your blood sugars run high, excess sugar molecules (the people who kicked your friends off) see the red blood cells carrying the oxygen and decide they want a free ride too so they jump on and kick off your oxygen molecules. So why does this all matter? Well your A1C (also called hemoglobin A1C or HbA1C) is a measure of the amount of sugar stuck to your red blood cells. And the higher the A1C, the less oxygen that is riding your red blood cells being delivered to the cells in your toes, fingers, eyes, brain, etc. Overtime, if your A1C remains high, then those cells will begin to die due to lack of oxygen and this is where the complications of diabetes come from. Therefore, if you are able to maintain an A1C under 7 then that means that your cells are getting the appropriate amount of oxygen and your risk for complications is lower and THAT is my goal for you!!

When I worked at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh diabetes center, I used to describe A1C to my pediatric patients as another type of report card. So for those of you who haven’t received a report card in many, many years- it is back! The reason I compare your A1C to a report card is simply because it is an average of your blood sugars over a 3 month period of time. Meaning that having one or two individual high blood sugar readings from finger testing will not shoot your A1C up. It is many high readings over many days/weeks. But be encouraged because you can begin to make an immediate change that can quickly bring your A1C back to the American Diabetes Association’s target of less than 7.

Below is a chart showing A1C values (measured in %) and the matching average blood sugar value so that you have an idea of where you are measuring.

  • 6%= average blood sugar 126
  • 7%= average blood sugar 154
  • 8%= average blood sugar 183
  • 9%= average blood sugar 212
  • 10%= average blood sugar 240
  • 11%= average blood sugar 269
  • 12%= average blood sugar 298

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is an easy one- if you do not know what your last A1C was then call your doctor office and find out. If it is higher than 7 do not worry and know that starting today you can work to improve your numbers so that your next one will be better!

10 easy food changes that will get you BIG results


Aside from being a diabetes educator, I also teach an adult weight loss class at my church. Although most of the participants do not have diabetes, the principles that are taught can apply to anyone wanting to make a positive lifestyle change. Even if you don’t necessarily need to lose weight, positive lifestyle changes can pave the way to better blood sugar management.  Below I have listed the top 10 things I think will give you the biggest head start!

  1. Make the switch– from regular pop to diet- or even better water!! Pop, like most sugary drinks, is full of empty calories. It does nothing to help your body and even though diet is not much better it is at least 0 calories/carbs.
  2. Increase your water consumption– aim for 6-8 cups and always try to drink one when you wake up and prior to your meals. Often even at times we when are hungry you can drink a glass of water and it might decrease that urge.
  3. Add a vegetable– to any meal can be anything from a small side salad, to a handful of carrots, to adding some lettuce and tomato to your sandwich.
  4. Thin our your carb– if you eat sandwiches, try swapping the thick bun or roll for a wrap, pita, or my favorite Arnold’s Sandwich Thins (only 100 calories and great with everything!)
  5. Spray it on– Salad dressing and butter sprays are a great way to control the amount you put on. Dressings and butter can have a ton of calories and unhealthy fats (except if make with olive oil). If you really like butter on your roll then squirt some on and save a ton of calories.
  6. Add some protein– it will help to keep you fuller longer. I know I haven’t gotten into protein yet, but it is your friend. Instead of just having a salad- throw on some chicken, shrimp, tofu, meat, or hard boiled eggs.
  7. Eat breakfast!!– if you have ever attempted to loose weight, you have probably heard you have to eat breakfast. Well that is because it is true. Your body is like a wood burning oven and you have to put stuff in to get it running. When you wake up you have to fuel the fire. Try starting with sometime small like a yogurt or even a delicious smoothie. Here’s a recipe for what I make at home most mornings:                                                                                                           – 1 6oz. container of Chobani 100 cal greek yogurt                                                       – handful of spinach                                                                                                              – half a banana                                                                                                                        – some frozen berries                                                                                                          – dash of cinnamon                                                                                                              – about a teaspoon of coconut oil
  8. Choose healthier snacks– Instead of visiting the vending machine or gas station for a bag of chips or candy bar, grab a piece of fruit and some nuts, or a protein bar like Quest bar. They are my absolute favorite and taste delicious!! I will talk more about their benefits later but try one out- you will NOT be disappointed!
  9. Limit dessert to 1-3 times  a week– I say 1-3 simply because I know that my dad was raised with dessert every night after dinner so if that was you also it might be hard to cut to once week. Everyone wants to celebrate once in a while or indulge in a tasty snack but no one (diabetic or not) needs it every day- including our children!!
  10. Explore and have fun!!– Remember this is a lifestyle change meaning its here for the long term. The goal is to experience new healthy foods and have fun. No one wants to eat if it doesn’t taste good but I promise you will begin to enjoy and find new things you might never have before.

just for today Your “just for today” challenge is of course to try to implement 1, 2, or all of the 10 tips listed above. I promise you will see results!

Nutrition 101: Carbs

Nutrition 101-3

When looking up any information on diabetes and eating you are likely to see the word Carb or Carbohydrate. What does this mean? Which foods are carbs?  Should I stop eating carbs? Those are all common questions so let’s break each one down.

What does this mean?  In simplest terms a carbohydrate is a food group which includes starches and sugars. Most of the foods that we eat and enjoy are or contain carbs. They can be commonly misunderstood though, because not all carbs are bad foods. Many healthy foods also contain carbs. If you read Ready to go back to school? you’ll remember that our bodies NEED carb to use as energy to keep us going. So it is essential to eat them, but we need to find the right balance.

Which foods are carbs? OK here’s a list:

  • Bread/Rolls/Pitas
  • Pasta
  • Cereal/Oatmeal
  • Fruit
  • Cake/Cookies/Ice cream
  • Candy/Candy bars
  • Bagels/Doughnuts/Pancakes/Waffles (and the syrup)
  • Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes
  • Corn/Squash
  • Rice (All types)
  • Pretzels/Chips/Crackers/Rice cakes
  • Anything breaded or fried
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Beans/Legumes
  • Pop/Juice/Sweetened Tea/other sugary drinks

Of course some carbs are healthier for you than others (I am sure you can guess) but for now it is just important to understand which foods contain carbs and soon I will teach you how to pick the healthiest.

Should I stop eating carbs? Absolutely not! But you will have to limit them and more importantly change the way that you consume them. It is the carbs you eat that causes the most immediate rise in your blood sugars. However, it is also those same carbs that fuel your body. I am sure you all have heard of diets that cut or restrict carbs.  These diets can be successful in losing weight, but cannot realistically be sustained long term.  Simply put, your body (and brain!!) needs carbs…but it is finding the right balance/amount to give us energy while at the same time keeping our blood sugars in check.

just for today

Your “just for today” challenge is to try to swap one “bad” carb (cake, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, fried foods, chips) for one “good” one (fruit, corn, squash, sweet potato).